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This is a work in progress, addtional data regarding Thai food will be included in the future
Minerals in the body
Minerals (in fact elements) are essential to the body. These can be present in relatively large amounts like calcium and iron, which are building components for our bones and blood cells respectively, or very tiny amounts but will play a fundamental role in very specific protein action.
In this section you will find a short description of the different minerals that you body requires and as well as a full list of elements in our body
Dietary Sources are separated into products that are easily found globally (Western) and on local market (Thai)
Iron - Calcium - Phosphorus - Sodium - Potassium - Sulfur - Fluorine - Chlorine - Iodine - Magnesium - Zinc - Manganese - Copper - Cobalt - Selenium - Molybdenum - Silicon - Boron - Vanadium - Chromium - Other minerals
Purpose: Iron-bearing proteins. One of them is hemoglobin the protein that helps red blood cells carrying oxygen around your body.
Prevention: Some types of anemia
Western Dietary Sources: meat, beans, nuts, lentils, wholegrain, dark-green leafy vegetables.
Thai Dietary Sources: organs, blood curd, cricket
Recommended Daily Intake: ~10mg; ~15mg for menorrheic women
Overdose: >>20mg/day can lead to constipation, feeling sick, vomiting, stomach pain
Purpose: Building cation to bones and teeth; Nervous system and muscle contractions; manage blood clotting
Prevention: rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis
Western Dietary Sources: dairy products; seafood, green leaf vegetables, nuts
Thai Dietary Sources: fish/shrimp sauce, fermented fish/shrimp, eat-all fish, frog meat, soya, tofu, sesame, cumin, curry
Recommended Daily Intake: 0.7 to 1g
Overdose: >>1.5g can lead to stomach pain and diarrhea
Purpose: Building cation to bones and teeth; used to build DNA and RNA as well as a main component for energy storage (ATP)
Prevention: rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis
Western Dietary Sources: meat, dairy products, nuts, cereals
Thai Dietary Sources: (fermented) fish, pumpkin seed, cuttlefish, roe
Recommended Daily Intake: 0.25g
Overdose: >>0.55g can lead to diarrhea and stomach pain; chronic overdose leads to hypocalcemia which fragilise bones
Purpose: Manage blood chemistry (pressure, pH, …)
Prevention: dehydration
Western Dietary Sources: salt, baking soda
Thai Dietary Sources: MSG, salty sauces (fish, soy, shrimp, oyster,...), fermented fish & shrimp products
Recommended Daily Intake: 5g
Overdose: A high sodium diet can cause high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks
Purpose: Manage blood chemistry (pressure, pH, …), heart function and cell metabolism
Prevention: dehydration
Western Dietary Sources: Fruits (bananas, apricots), nuts & grains, broccoli, parsnips, brussels sprouts, fish, shellfish, meat
Thai Dietary Sources: Soy sauce, Shitake
Recommended Daily Intake: 3.5g
Overdose: Stomach pain, feeling sick and diarrhea
Prevention: some skin conditions
Western Dietary Sources: garlic, onion, brocolli
Thai Dietary Sources:
Recommended Daily Intake:
Overdose: skin dryness, possible diarrhea; some compounds can create an allergic reaction
Western Dietary Sources: Water*, cod, corn
Thai Dietary Sources: sweet potato, soy products
Recommended Daily Intake:
Purpose: Stomach function, cell metabolism
Western Dietary Sources: Salt
Thai Dietary Sources: salty sauces (fish, soy, shrimp, oyster,...)
Recommended Daily Intake:
Purpose: Thyroid function, metabolic rate control
Western Dietary Sources: Seafood, fish, egg, iodised salt
Thai Dietary Sources: Seaweed, mackerel
Recommended Daily Intake: 0.14 mg
Overdose: >0.5 mg: affect thyroid functions with many symptoms including weight gain
Purpose: Energy storage & transport (ATP), parathyroid glands function, amino-acifd (protein production
Western Dietary Sources: nuts, cereals, green leaf vegetables, fish, meat, dairy
Thai Dietary Sources: mung bean, pandan nuts, soybean, peanut, coconut
Recommended Daily Intake: 300 mg
Overdose: >> 400 mg can cause diarrhea
Purpose: Enzymes for cell metabolism and duplication; processing nutrients out of food, wound healing
Western Dietary Sources: meat, shellfish, dairy, cereals, grains, nuts
Thai Dietary Sources: taro, coconut, rice, mushrooms
Recommended Daily Intake: 7-10 mg
Overdose: >> 25 mg can lead to anemia and bone fragility
Purpose: Enzymes, coenzymes
Western Dietary Sources: tea, nuts, cereals, beans, sweet potato
Thai Dietary Sources: taro
Recommended Daily Intake: 2-4 mg
Overdose: chronic overdose lead to muscle pain, nerve damage, fatigue, depression
Purpose: red & white blood cell formation, hemoglobin production, growth
Western Dietary Sources: nuts, shellfish, mushroom, grains, beans, potatoes
Thai Dietary Sources: organ, peas (chickpea, mungo), taro
Recommended Daily Intake: 1 mg
Overdose: >>1.2 mg can produce stomach pain, sickness, diarrhea, chronic overdose can lead to liver and kidney damage
Purpose: essential for vitamin B12, see vitamin 12
Western Dietary Sources: shellfish, fish, nuts, brocolli, spinach, cereals
Thai Dietary Sources: peanut, taro
Recommended Daily Intake: 1.5 mg as B12
Overdose: heart and fertility affected
Purpose: Immune system and reproduction, play a role in cell repair and tissues (glutathione)
Western Dietary Sources: brazil nut, garlic, prawn, fish, meat, egg
Thai Dietary Sources: brown rice
Recommended Daily Intake: 0.06-0.08 mg
Overdose: >>0.35 mg selenosis lead to loss of hair, skin, nails, and and worse
Purpose:Proteins used to repair and reproduce genetic material
Western Dietary Sources: nuts, canned vegetables, cereals, peas, beans, lentils, brocolli, spinach, cauliflower
Thai Dietary Sources: organ, mung beans, watercress
Recommended Daily Intake:
Overdose: joint pains
Western Dietary Sources:
Thai Dietary Sources:
Recommended Daily Intake:
Western Dietary Sources:
Thai Dietary Sources:
Recommended Daily Intake:
Western Dietary Sources:
Thai Dietary Sources:
Recommended Daily Intake:
Purpose: Influence on insulin behavior and energy intake from food
Western Dietary Sources: wholegrain, lentils, brocolli, spices, seafood
Thai Dietary Sources: liver
Recommended Daily Intake: 0.025 mg
Other minerals
Below is a periodic table showing most elements that exists and their characteristics in the human body. Only the few listed above have a role in the human body, most are inert or highly toxic, clearly showing that with the exception of a large dozen of elements, the other five dozens have no use for us and the "minerals are good for us" is only applicable to a small fraction of them. Be aware that Any product promoting an extremely high number of 'minerals' is either deceptive or toxic.
In the following table, the colour code apply to their role in the human body:
Green is Essential. The human body cannot function properly in the absence of those elements. If it’s lacking you have a deficiency with potentially life-threatening symptoms
Lime Green is Non-Essential. These are less common alternatives to essential minerals. If it’s lacking, there is no deficiency since it is only playing the same role than a more abundant mineral.
Yellow is Inert. These elements are called the inert gases and do not interact with anything including the human body
Light Orange is Inactive. These minerals are not known to play any essential biological role. Scientific studies show that in absence of this element, there is strictly no change in your body. Some of these minerals are used in specific medical treatments.
Red is Toxic. These minerals are harmful to the human body. Toxicity definition requires a threshold concentration before causing measurable harm. In normal conditions, daily intake of these minerals are below toxicity levels.